Primula (Primrose)

Primula is a genus of more than 400 species of herbaceous perennials in the family Primulaceae, widely distributed throughout the world.
These early bloomers come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors. They are one of the most popular ornamental plants. With their showy, bright, vibrant flowers that come in an array of colors, Primulas are ideal for front borders, beds, edging, paths and walkways, shade gardens and rock gardens.

Name meaning

The genus name is derived from the Latin word “primus”, which means “first” or “early”, in reference to their appearance in early spring.

Primula is commonly known as Primrose. The common name comes from the Latin “prima rosa”, which means “first rose”, as it is quite often one of the first flowers to appear in early spring. This common name usually refers to the species Primula vulgaris, though it may also be applied to the whole genus or to many of its species.

Primula symbolism

Primula is a sign that spring has arrived. It symbolizes youth, grace and young love.

Interesting facts about Primula

What is The Primrose Path?

“The primrose path” is a phrase coined by Shakespeare (in Hamlet) to signify a way of life devoted to irresponsible hedonism. It is a simple allusion to a pleasant path to self-destruction.

Benefits and Uses

Primula has a rich history as a medicinal herb. It has been used in alternative medicine to treat gout, arthritis and rheumatism. It is also believed to calm the nerves and redirect focus to something positive. It eases headaches, acts as a mild sedative and even heals paralysis.

Primula is an edible plant. All parts of the plant are edible, but people usually consume leaves, flowers and roots. Primula can be used in sweet dishes and salads, as well as to make syrups, teas and other beverages.

Primula Plant Data