
Jasione is a genus of about 15 species of flowering plants in the family Campanulaceae, native to Europe and Middle East. The most popular species are Jasione Montana and Jasione Laevis.
These plants have spherical, pincushion-like flowers, subtended by involucral bracts. They are good as cut flowers, in borders or rock gardens.

Name meaning

Jasione is of uncertain origin and may be partly derived from the Greek word “ion”, meaning “violet”.

Jasione symbolism

Jasione represents justice and rightfulness.

Interesting facts about Jasione

Natural Habitat of Jasione

In the wild Jasione grows in dry, grassy places such as heaths, grasslands, cliff tops, in rocky districts, coastal cliffs and quarries.
They can also be found on heaths and moors, often at high elevations.

Sheep’s Bit (Jasione Montana)

Jasione Montana, commonly known as Sheep’s Bit, is a lovely plant with blue flowers that appear from May to September. It is an attractive, low-growing plant found on sea-cliffs, in maritime grasslands, rocky places and heaths.
Sheep’s-bit is sometimes confused with Succisa pratensis (Devil’s-bit Scabious), a flowering plant in the family Caprifoliaceae. Although similar in appearance, these two species come from different families. The flower heads are similar to those of Devil’s-bit Scabious, but are far more rounded in shape.

Jasione Plant Data