Anemone Flower Meaning and Symbolism

June 19, 2022 | Interesting facts

Anemones are lovely flowers that bring so much joy and a smile to everyone’s face. They are very delicate, yet extraordinary flowers of many virtues. And if you look deeper into the allegory and symbolism behind them, you will fully understand their meaning and feel their spirit.

What Does Anemone Mean?

Anemone, also known as Windflower, is a genus in the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) containing around 120 species of flowering plants native to northern temperate regions.

The genus name is derived from the Greek word “anemone”, which means “daughter of the wind”, which is why they are also called Windflowers.
Anemones are known as Windflowers because their delicate petals are often blown open by the wind, but also separated from the plant and blown away.

These wildflowers come in different shapes and colors, and they vary from 2 to 5 inches (5-12 cm) in diameter.

Their never-ending beauty attracts various helpful and appealing insects, making them a great complement to any garden.

The Myth of Aphrodite and Adonis

According to Greek legend, Anemones grew from the tears of Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty.

Adonis, a beautiful young man and a handsome hunter, was one of only two mortals the goddess Aphrodite ever fell for. Adonis was a mortal male of incredible beauty, which made both men and gods jealous.

Aphrodite and Adonis were spending most of their time together. They had a powerful love for each other, but Adonis was even more interested in hunting. He was well-known for his hunting skills and had killed many animals.

The god Ares, one of Aphrodite’s many lovers, was very jealous of her passion for Adonis. He transformed into a boar and attacked the young hunter with overwhelming force. Ares killed him and vanished quickly into the darkness.

The goddess Aphrodite cried because of her loss. The places where her tears fell later sprang up with beautiful Anemones as a memorial to their love, and his spirit returned to the underworld.

The Symbolic Meaning of Anemones

Anemones are full of symbolism and mystery, and their meanings can hold many different messages.

Let’s look deeper into their meaning to figure out what they represent and symbolize.

The myth of Aphrodite and Adonis has fed into modern flower meanings and associations, and has led to the Anemone being a symbol of rebirth, new beginnings and the never-ending circle of life. After his transition from mortal to god, Adonis is known as someone who would live and die only to be reborn again, because of his travels between hell and earth. He also became associated with the change of the seasons and the rebirth of the vegetation.

Anemone is believed to bring good luck, prosperity and fortune, and is known to protect against evil spirits.

Anemones also symbolize protection and anticipation. It’s because some varieties close their petals before rain, and may detect moisture in the air before rainfall. Wide-open petals are a sign of fair weather, while closed petals indicate that rain is on the way.

They proudly show their beauty to those who are paying attention. Their petals dance in the wind, close up at night and reopen in the morning at first sunlight, representing happiness and joy.

Different Colors of Anemones and Their Meaning

Anemones have always been a powerful muse for artists, especially painters including Claude Monet (1840-1926), and Henri Matisse (1869-1954).
Their colors are magnificent and their graceful forms are pretty inspiring, which makes them a sophisticated subject matter for artists.

Anemones come in all colors of the rainbow, from red, purple and blue to pink, yellow and white.

Different colors represent different meanings, so here’s a closer look at the different colors of Anemones and what each color represents.

Red Anemones

Red Anemones usually symbolize love and romance.
These flowers are an ideal gift between couples as they represent the strength and depth of relationships.

They are also perfect for expressing family love and loyalty.

In Christianity, the red Anemone represents the bloodshed by Jesus Christ on the cross, and can be found depicted in paintings of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Purple Anemones

Purple ones symbolize anticipation, but can also symbolize luxury and wealth.

They are a nice gift for someone who is starting their career or making new investments, but they also represent a beautiful gift for someone who is your dear friend and loyal partner.

Blue Anemones

Blue Anemones mean protection, but can also stand for authority and trust.

In some cultures, they are believed to protect from evil spirits and misfortune.

Blue Anemones make a perfect gift for a family member you respect and admire, and giving someone these flowers shows them you trust them completely.

Pink Anemones

Pink ones are related to femininity, kindness and beauty.

They are perfect for a loving friend or that special someone you’ve had your eye on!

They are also a great gift for your favorite female friends and family members who need a little confidence boost to achieve their goals.

Yellow Anemones

Yellow Anemones are acceptable as gifts in most cases, as they represent happiness and joy.

They are believed to possess the ability to attract positive energies that can help boost our mood and overall vibe.

White Anemones

White Anemones generally symbolize purity and innocence.

However, in many Eastern cultures Anemones are thought to bring bad luck and are only suitable for funerals.
This is because white color is often associated with purity and innocence in Western cultures, while in Eastern cultures it is associated with death and bad luck.