Antirrhinum (Snapdragon; Dragon Flower)

Antirrhinum, commonly known as Snapdragon or Dragon Flower, is a genus of about 30 species of flowering plants in the family Plantaginaceae, native to Europe, northern Africa and western Asia.
These plants produce beautiful dragon-shaped, two-lipped flowers on tall spikes above their foliage. The flowers are often scented and under certain conditions release a subtle perfume. Snapdragons are attractive to pollinators including bumblebees and hummingbirds. They are popular garden plants as well as cut flowers.

Name meaning

Antirrhinum means literally “similar to a nose or snout”. The scientific name comes from the Greek words “anti” which means “like, “rhis” which means nose, and “inus” meaning “of” or “pertaining to”, in reference to the flower shape.

The common names “Snapdragon” and “Dragon Flower” come from its appearance, which resembles a dragon opening and closing its mouth. When the flower is gently squeezed, it looks like a dragon’s head!

Antirrhinum symbolism

Snapdragon represents grace, benevolence, strength and protection, but it can also symbolize indifference, deception and denial.

In the Middle Ages, women used to put these flowers on their hair to suggest that they are not interested in men.

Interesting facts about Antirrhinum

How Are Snapdragons Pollinated?

Snapdragons are mainly pollinated by bumblebees, as they are large and strong enough to open the flower and reach the pollen. They must be of the right size and shape to trigger the flower to open.
When bumblebees are most active, Snapdragons release their scent to coincide with pollinators’ activity. Bumblebees crawl inside the lips so that the mouth of the flower closes over them. They will fly from flower to flower and pick up nectar and pollen to spread around to other flowers.

Snapdragon Uses and Benefits

Snapdragons have many qualities beyond their beauty and symbolism they represent. Antirrhinum majus is by far the most popular and useful species.

These plants have been used for their medicinal value. They are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and their ability to reduce stress levels and insomnia. They have also been used to treat haemorrhoids, wounds, tumours and ulcers.

Snapdragons are edible, but they are most commonly used for decorative purposes on cakes, desserts, salads and cocktails.
The oil obtained from their seeds is considered to be just as healthy as olive oil.

Snapdragons have a long history of cultivation as ornamental plants and as objects of curiosity to people in general. Modern breeding has made them even more attractive!

They have been considered to possess magical powers and have been said to protect against spells and enchantments.

These plants have also been used to produce green dyes.

Antirrhinum majus is an important model for plant biology and development. It has been used as a model for biochemical and developmental genetics.

Antirrhinum Plant Data