
Xanthisma is a genus of about 10 species in the family Asteraceae, native to the United States and Mexico.
Most species have bright yellow, daisy-like flowers at the tips of branching stems. These wildflowers bloom mostly in spring, but may flower at other times of the year. They are drought-tolerant and great for xeriscape gardening.

Name meaning

The genus name comes from the Greek words “xanthos”, which means “yellow”, and “ismos”, meaning “condition”, referring to the bright yellow florets.

Some of the common names for Xanthisma include “Sleepy Daisy” (Xanthisma texanum), “Annual Bristleweed” or “Slender Goldenweed” (Xanthisma gracile), “Colorado tansyaster” (Xanthisma coloradoense) and “Rush-like Bristleweed” (Xanthisma junceum).

Xanthisma symbolism

Xanthisma means endurance because it requires little water to survive, and is known for its long blooming season. It is such a nice low-maintenance flower to grow!

Interesting facts about Xanthisma

Do They Sleep at Night?

Xanthisma is one of the plants that sleep at night.
Its petals open up during the day and close down in the evening. It’s a behavior called nyctinasty.

For more on this topic, take a look at our article on Why Do Flowers Close Up at Night.

Benefits and Uses of Xanthisma

Xanthisma is drought tolerant and suitable for xeriscaping, a method of gardening or landscaping that minimizes water needs.

Xanthisma Plant Data