
Perovskia is a genus in the family Lamiaceae, native to southwestern and central Asia. The genus consists of about 10 species of perennials and sub-shrubs.
Perovskia produces showy spikes of tiny tubular flowers that bloom in summer and autumn. The foliage is fragrant and produces an aromatic sage-like scent. Perovskia is a beautiful plant and is easy to care for.

Name meaning

This genus was named after the imperial Russian general Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky (1794-1857) by the naturalist Gregor Silitsch Karelin, who discovered the plant in the 19th century.

Perovskia symbolism

Perovskia means wisdom and knowledge.

Interesting facts about Perovskia

Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)

The most popular species is Perovskia atriplicifolia, also known as Russian Sage.
Russian Sage is a wonderful plant that is neither Russian nor Sage. It is native to Central Asian countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan, where it can grow at elevations of up to 2500 m (8200 ft).
The species resembles Lavandula (Lavender), only it is much larger and grows in areas that are too cold to grow Lavender.

The leaves are strongly aromatic when brushed or crushed and smell similar to Sage or Artemisia. The plant contains thujone, an ingredient that is responsible for the scent of the leaves.

And be careful, Russian Sage is inedible and can be quite poisonous!

Benefits and Uses

The Russian soldiers used this plant as a remedy for fever, as the local people still do today. The plant has long been valued for helping alleviate symptoms of cold and flu.

Perovskia Plant Data